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其他题名Mercury distribution and mass balance study on Puding and Dongfeng reservoirs in Wujiang Watershed
关键词 甲基汞 乌江流域 普定水库 东风水库 水体 沉积物 时空分布 农业面源污染 源汇分析
摘要本论文选择乌江流域普定水库、东风水库作为研究对象,对两个水库系统中汞的环境地球化学循环做了较为完整深入的探讨。具体来说本论文包括以下几方面的工作:(1)揭示普定和东风水库水体各种形态汞的含量、时空分布规律。(2)水库水体水质参数的分布机制研究,明确与水质参数相联系的流域环境对水库水体汞分布的影响。(3)弄清普定水库、东风水库沉积物以及孔隙水各种汞形态的含量、分布规律。(4)建立普定水库、东风水库水体汞循环的质量平衡模型,对水体中汞形态的源、汇及其迁移通量进行定量研究。(5)分析了水库对河流甲基汞输送的源效应产生原因,以理解水库-河流系统中汞的环境地球化学循环的作用。通过本论文的研究,取得以下成果: 1、普定、东风水库水库各形态汞丰水期(夏季)普遍高于枯水期(冬、春季)。普定水库夏季总汞、总甲基汞平均浓度分别为4.48和0.32 ng/L,分别是其它两季平均浓度的2.53倍和3.05倍。东风水库夏季总汞、总甲基汞平均浓度分别为2.94和0.33ng/L,分别是其它两季平均浓度的2.53倍和2.64倍。夏季地表径流带来的汞的输入是引起这种季节差异的重要原因。 2、空间分布表明,普定、东风水库无机汞在由河流输入后经过水库系统内的迁移转化,在水库下游段其浓度已有所下降,表现了水库对于无机汞的 “清除”能力。甲基汞浓度在河流经水库蓄水后,在水库库体内得到升高和“蓄集”,并且峡谷型水库在丰水期水流输送作用下库体内的下游段水体具有更强的甲基汞“蓄集”能力。 3、相关矩阵分析表明,两个水库的水质参数悬浮颗粒物(SPM)、水温(T)和硝酸盐(NO3-)与各形态汞之间普遍存在显著的正相关关系,表明这些参数对于各形态汞的季节分布起着重要作用。夏季丰水期,河流由于雨水带进大量的农田和土壤颗粒,而成为普定、东风水库水体汞的一个重要输入源,同时夏季流域相对活跃的农业耕作活动可能是引起普定、东风水库水体汞水平升高的一个重要原因。 4、普定水库、东风水库沉积物总汞全年平均分别为0.198mg/kg和0.204mg/kg,两者没有显著差异,但明显的高于其它没有污染的水体沉积物,低于处于同一流域的红枫湖水库。沉积物甲基汞浓度峰值主要出现在硫酸盐还原细菌活动区域,有机质含量在某种程度上也影响着甲基汞浓度和分布。 5、两个水库沉积物孔隙水中溶解态无机汞、溶解态甲基汞含量明显大于上覆水体。普定水库沉积物4个剖面孔隙水中溶解态总汞向上扩散对上覆水体的影响程度均为夏季>冬季,而溶解态甲基汞向上扩散对水体的影响程度是冬季>夏季。东风水库沉积物溶解态总汞、溶解态甲基汞扩散对上覆水体的影响程度的季节变化没有规律。 6、水库水体总汞质量平衡模型的估算结果表明,普定水库水体的汞总源为19088.2 g.a-1,总汇为19087.4g.a-1。东风水库水体的汞总源为17116.5 g.a-1,总汇为22562.9g.a-1。河流输入都是两个水库总汞最大的源,普定水库最大的汇是水体是向沉积物的沉降,东风水库最大的汇下泄河流总汞的输出。 7、对水库在河流甲基汞输送过程中的“源”效应分析表明沉积物孔隙水向水体释放甲基汞是水库内部甲基汞产生的重要环节,是水库对河流形成甲基汞源效应的重要原因。
其他摘要The mercury distribution and speciation in Puding and Dongfeng reservoirs, Wujiang Watershed, China were investigated to understand environmental geochemical cycles of mercury in aquatic system. There are several main research topics in this thesis, namely, (1) Revealing the mercury speciation, seasonal and spatial distribution in water. (2) Revealing how water physicochemical compositions (depends on the watershed characteristics) influence the distribution of mercury species. (3) Studies on mercury speciation and distribution in sediments and pore water. (4) Studies on mercury fluxes, transformations and mass balance in Puding and Dongfeng reservoirs. (5) Evaluation on the methylmercury source behaviors of the reservoirs regarding the dam effect on the river system, as to understand the environmental geochemical cycles in reservoir-river system. Through the detailed studies reported in this thesis, some main conclusions were obtained as follows: 1. The concentrations of all mercury species in the summer (rainy season) campaign for the Puding Reservoir and Dongfeng Reservoir are generally significantly higher than those in winter and spring (dry season) campaigns. In Puding Reservoir, the average concentrations of THg and TMHg in the summer campaign were 4.48 and 0.32ng/L, 2.53 and 3.05 times higher than in the other two campaigns, respectively. In Dongfeng Reservoir, the average concentrations of THg and TMHg in summer campaign were 2.94 and 0.33ng/L, 2.53 and 2.64 times higher than in the other two campaigns. Mercury input from the runoff during the rainy season is the vital cause for the seasonal variation. 2. The THg spatial distribution showed that THg concentrations in the inflows via mercury transportation and transformation can become lower in some extent in the downstream water body of Puding and Dongfeng reservoirs, demonstrating reservoirs had potency to reduce THg in the water of the reservoir-river system. Contrarily, the TMHg concentrations become increased after rivers being dammed. Interestingly, in our typical gorge-shaped reservoirs we find elevated water inflow in rainy season may push methyl mercury to “accumulate” in the downstream part of reservoirs. 3. The Pearson’s correlation matrix showed SPM, water temperature and nitrate were found to play an important role in controlling the distribution of mercury species in the reservoir since statistically significant correlations were commonly found between these parameters and mercury species. In the summer season, due to the high volume of precipitation, higher runoff carrying nitrate (from fertilizer) together with particulate matter contributed to become an important mercury input of the reservoirs. Meanwhile, the relatively active agricultural activities in the summer season tend to increase the mercury levels in these two reservoirs. 4. THg levels in the whole sediments were averagely 0.198 mg/kg in Puding Reservoir, 0.204 mg/kg in Dongfeng Reservoir, without significant difference, but significantly higher compared to data reported in other uncontaminated water sediments, while lower than Hongfeng Reservoir within in the same watershed. The peak values of methyl mercury in the sediment profiles typically appeared in the zones of sulfate-reducing bacteria activities. It is also found organic matter in sediment may influence the concentrations and distributions of methyl mercury. 5. Both reservoirs showed DHg and DMHg concentrations in the sediment pore water significantly higher than in the upper water. The contribution of DHg diffusion from pore water to upper water in four sediment profiles of Puding Reservoir showed seasonal variation (summer > winter), while the DMHg contribution is higher in winter than in summer. No obvious seasonal changes of the diffusions were found in Dongfeng Reservoir. 6. The result from mass balance study of THg indicated total input and total output of mercury in Puding Reservoir were 19088.2g.a-1 and 19087.4g.a-1 respectively, 17116.5g.a-1 and 22562.9g.a-1 in Dongfeng Reservoir correspondingly. River water input is the dominating THg source for both reservoirs, while water outflows is the dominating THg sink for Dongfeng Reservoir and paticulates sedimentation is the dominating THg sink for Puding Reservoir. 7. Both reservoirs had potency to reduce THg in the water of the reservoir-river system and could increase TMHg level after rivers being dammed. Meanwhile, we also found the cause of TMHg increase is from the pore water of the sediment.
GB/T 7714
张军方. 乌江流域普定、东风水库汞的分布与质量平衡研究[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2009.
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