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关键词太阳系外物质 同位素特征 恒星来源 车里雅宾斯克陨石 岩石学
摘要球粒陨石是太阳星云冷凝吸积的直接产物,构成了各行星的初始物质。球粒陨石中太阳系外物质的发现为了解太阳系物质来源与恒星演化开启了一扇窗户。而开展球粒陨石冲击变质特征的研究有助于了解其它行星母体的地质演化过程和冲击碰撞历史。 陨石中的太阳系外物质是指在太阳系形成之前,由新星、超新星、红巨星以及渐近线巨星等各种恒星演化至晚期的喷出物凝聚而形成的、微米级至次微米级的尘埃颗粒,在太阳系的形成演化过程中保存下来的物质,是人类唯一能获得的其他恒星物质。迄今为止,在陨石、星际尘埃颗粒、南极微陨石和宇宙物质中,发现的太阳系外物质主要包括富C的纳米金刚石、SiC、氮化硅、石墨,以及富O的刚玉、尖晶石等氧化物与硅酸盐。前太阳颗粒携带了恒星核合成的信息,是恒星核合成理论的重要实验制约。对太阳系外物质的研究,可以加深对不同恒星的核合成过程等天体物理性质的认识,为太阳系外物质的恒星演化、物质来源以及形成环境提供制约。本论文以富C的SiC(包含X-型氮化硅)和石墨为研究对象,采用纳米离子探针(NanoSIMS)对Murchison陨石中太阳系外物质富C颗粒开展系统的调查与研究,获得其同位素组成信息,进而对恒星来源进行探讨。 SiC是太阳系外物质中研究最为详细的太阳系外物质。根据C、N、Si的同位素特征,SiC颗粒被划分为主群(Mainstream)、AB群、X群、Y群、Z群、新星来源和U/C群。由于稀有类型的丰度随着粒径的减小而增加,为了寻找更多稀有类型SiC,同时还能尽可能多的进行同位素组分分析,本论文鉴定并分析了Murchison陨石0.5-0.8 μm粒级(KJE)中的1113颗SiC,并选取其中25颗具有Si同位素强烈异常的颗粒进行N、S、Mg-Al和Ca-Ti的同位素分析。一颗极富集重Si同位素的C型SiC颗粒(?29Si/28Si = 1345 ± 19 ‰, ?30Si/28Si = 1272 ± 19 ‰),强烈富集32S(?33S/32S = –944 ± 33 ‰, ?34S/32S = –941 ± 14 ‰)。高44Ti/48Ti比值(4.2?10-2)证实其超新星来源。而32S的富集程度超过了超新星模型中Si/S层所能提供的最大值,可能是由32Si衰变而成。X颗粒与X型氮化硅的S同位素组成趋于正常,可能是由于正常同位素物质稀释的结果。采用12M?和15r超新星模型对C和X型颗粒的同位素组成进行了不同程度的拟合。Y和Z颗粒的30Si强烈富集指示其可能来自于金属度为0.001和0.002的低质量AGB星。但其正常的S同位素比值与模型计算并不一致,可能与稀释和混染有关。 本文对石墨颗粒的研究,结合了其外部形貌、拉曼光谱和同位素组成,从而对形成环境进行限定。103颗粒径大于3 μm的石墨颗粒选自Murchison陨石中密度从低到高的KFA1、KFB1和KFC1组分。研究显示,(1)低密度KFA1组分中“花椰菜型”的颗粒占多数,而“洋葱型”颗粒主要分布在高密度组分KFC1中;(2)KFA1颗粒的平均D/G值比高密度KFB1和KFC1高,指示其层内sp2碳键结合程度较低,而KFC1中颗粒的结晶程度较好;(3)绝大多数的石墨颗粒14N/15N和16O/18O值在误差范围内与太阳系的组成相一致,但KFA1中的24颗石墨颗粒中有14颗富集15N或18O,指示其超新星来源,而KFB1和KFC1的颗粒则主要来自于AGB星。8颗具有kerogen型拉曼光谱的石墨颗粒中有6颗表现出12C/13C异常,基于纳米离子探针分析过程中同位素表现稳定,应为该太阳系外石墨本身所具有,为无定型有机质。但由于N和O同位素趋于正常,目前无法追溯其来源。 此外,本论文还对2013年2月15日降落在俄罗斯的目击型陨石—车里雅宾斯克陨石开展了工作。车里雅宾斯克陨石为LL5型普通球粒陨石,不同陨石块体之间冲击变质程度差异显著。对其进行岩石学和矿物学的综合分析,旨在对该陨石的冲击变质特征获得新认识。长石熔长石化与熔融囊的发育等结构特征,指示该陨石在母体层经历过强烈的冲击变质作用,强度达到了S4级。冲击熔脉中和边缘的橄榄石颗粒表现为成分的不均一,但微区激光拉曼光谱分析未发现高压相的存在。很可能是车里雅宾斯克母体小行星遭受了非常强烈的撞击事件,发生广泛的冲击熔融,由于其温度较高,当冲击压力卸载后,高压矿物因不能淬火而发生退变质。
其他摘要Chondrites are directly formed from the solar nebular, when various types of dust and small grains accreted to form primitive asteroids. Premolar grains in chondrites open a window for understanding the origins of the Solar system and evolutions of stellars. The studies of shock metamorphism from chondrites provide important clues for learning about geological histories and impact processes of other asteroid bodies. Presolar grainsl, also called stardust grains, formed in stellar outflows from late-type stars and supernova ejecta, and survived their interstellar journey into the solar system. Presolar grains have been identified in meteorites, interplanetary dust particles, Antarctic micrometeorites and cometary matter. They are C-rich phases (nanodiamonds, silicon carbide, graphite and silicon nitride), and O-rich phases (oxides and silicates). The laboratory study of presolar grains can provide new information on stellar nucleosynthesis, galactic chemical evolution and grain formation in circumstellar environments. Isotopic studies and elemental analyses of these presolar grains can provide detailed information about the source of the stars. Silicon carbides, the best-studied presolar grains, are divided into several groups based on C-, N-, and Si-isotopes: mainstream, AB, X, Y, Z, possible nova grains, and U/C grains. The abundances of rare types are much higher in smaller grains. Here we report the results of C, Si, N, S, Mg-Al and Ca-Ti isotopic measurements of selected presolar SiC grains from KJE fraction (0.5-0.8 ?m) of the Murchison meteorite. 1113 SiC were identified based on their C and Si isotopic ratios. 25 grains were selected for N, S, Mg-Al and Ca-Ti isotopic analysis. A C-type grain, with high heavy Si (?29Si/28Si = 1345 ± 19 ‰, ?30Si/28Si = 1272 ± 19 ‰), has a huge 32S excess (?33S/32S = –944 ± 33 ‰, ?34S/32S = –941 ± 14 ‰). High-inferred 44Ti/48Ti provide definitive proof of a SN origin. The 32S excess in the C grain, larger than that predicted for the Si/S zone in supernova, is evidence for a radiogenic origin of short-lived 32Si. 32S excesses in X-SiC and Si3N4 are much smaller than expected, and contamination must be invoked to explain the data. Bote the 12M? and 15r SN models give their own better fit to the isotopic ratios of the grains. The extremely large 30Si excesses in the Y and Z grains imply an origin in low-mass AGB stars with metallicities between 0.001 and 0.002. Graphite has different isotopes signatures from those observed in SiC. The correlation among morphology, Raman spectra and isotopic compositions would imply the stellar origin. 103 graphites, size larger than 3 μm, were selected from different fractions of KFA1, KFB1 and KFC1. We would get (1) graphites in low-density show more “cauliflower” morphology, whereas the high-density fraction is dominated by grains with onion morphology; (2) on average low-density grains have higher Raman D/G ratios than medium- and high-density grains, tending to have smaller in-plane crystallite sized of sp2-bonded carbon; (3) 14 out of 24 graphites in KFA1 showing 15N or 18O excess differ from grains from KFB1 and KFC1 with normal N and O isotopes. Therefore, we can come to the conclusion that most of the graphites in KFA1 have an origin of supernova, while grains in KFB1 and KFC1 comes from AGB stars. 6 out of 8 graphites, with kerogen-type Raman spectra, show constant abnormal C isotopic ratios, implying its form of organic carbon. Since N and O isotopes are normal in these grains, we could not infer their origins. Chelyabinsk meteorite is a LL5 type ordinary chondrite, showing different impact characteristics between fractions. The studies of petrology and mineralogy can provide more information on shock metamorphism. Melt veins and melt pocket with maskelynite imply this meteorite in its parent body has experienced strong shock metamorphism, at least S4 level. Olivine grains in or near the melt vein show chemical heterogeneity, but no high-pressur
GB/T 7714
徐于晨. Murchison陨石的太阳系外富碳(C)颗粒与车里雅宾斯克陨石的岩石矿物学特征[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2014.
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