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关键词黄河 镁同位素(Δ26mg) 化学风化
摘要水是人类及一切生物赖以生存的必不可少的重要物质,是工农业生产、经济发展和环境改善不可替代的极为宝贵的自然资源。作为大自然的“搬运工”,水对地表的物质循环起到关键的作用。河流是水资源重要的一部分,为人类提供优质的淡水资源,也是联系大陆和海洋的直接纽带。同时,河流作为地表物质的重要载体,是地表物质能量交换的主要通道。流域侵蚀导致或加速岩石矿物的分解,分解产物随河水进行迁移转化,为整个陆地生态系统的运行提供必需的物质保证。同时岩石矿物的分解通过消耗CO2,控制大气温室气体通量,调节着全球气候的变化,近半个世纪以来,一直是地球化学家们关注的重点。因而,系统的研究河流侵蚀过程对我们了解地表物质循环、碳循环及气候变化机制具有重要的意思。 近年来,随着科学技术的进步、仪器分析能力的提高,稳定同位素已广泛应用于河流侵蚀过程。Mg同位素是近几年来发展起来的新的地质工具,也开始在地球化学、环境科学等领域崭露头角,日益受到科学家们的重视。Mg是主要造岩元素,河流中的Mg主要来源于岩石的风化释放,Mg同位素已被成功用于探讨流域风化过程。研究表明河流中的Mg同位素组成特征一方面受母岩同位素组成的控制,另一方面次生矿物的形成也是影响河流中Mg同位素组成的主要因素。所以,研究河水Mg同位素组成变化特征,可以为揭示流域侵蚀过程提供新的视角。另一方面,河水的物理化学特征如pH、温度、溶解氧等直接关系到物质在水中的迁移转化,继而影响水体Mg同位素组成。因此,通过对水体中物质组成,以及同位素组成特征的研究,可以揭示流域风化对流域生态系统的影响。 黄河依河长和流域面积是仅次于长江的我国第二大河流。就向海洋输送的物质量而言,位于全球河流之首。由于河流中段流经中国黄土高原地区,因此夹带了大量的泥沙,所以它也被称为世界上最浑浊的河流。河流侵蚀在黄河演化过程中扮演着重要的角色,河水中的物质主要是化学,物理风化产物。我国黄河流域大部分位于干旱半干旱温带地区,为全球气候变化响应的敏感区。因此,揭示黄河的地球化学空间演化特征及其对水文地质因素的响应具有重要的科学意义。 基于此,本论文选择我国的黄河流域作为研究对象,于2012年7月对黄河干流以及主要支流进行样品采集,分析了水溶态主量元素、氢氧同位素、锶、硫和镁同位素组成,同时分析了悬浮物样品的Mg同位素组成。经研究,得出以下几点发现和认识: 1, 研究区水文地球化学循环主要受水文气候和地质条件的影响,其次还受到人为因素的影响 1)黄河水系河水呈弱碱性。与世界上其他大的河流相比,黄河水中离子浓度均较高,上游河水中以Ca离子为主,占阳离子总量的47%,其次为Mg和Na,分别占阳离子总量的26%和25%;阴离子以HCO3-为主,占阴离子总量的75%,其次是SO4和Cl,分别占阴离子总量的11%和10%。中游河水中以Na离子为主,占阳离子总量的53%,其次为Ca和Mg,分别占阳离子总量的26%和20%;阴离子以HCO3-为主,占阴离子总量的53%,其次是SO4和Cl,分别占阴离子总量的17%和27%。黄河下游河水的水化学组成与中游的无明显差异。黄河流域主要支流水化学组成差异明显。总的来说,黄河上游的水型是Ca- HCO3,反映出碳酸盐风化的重要贡献。由于受到蒸发岩溶解的影响,中下游河水是Na-Ca-HCO-3-SO4-Cl水型。 2)水体中的H、O同位素组成特征反映出:大气降水是黄河水的主要来源;黄河地区遭受强烈蒸发作用。 3)黄河水中Sr同位素(87Sr/86Sr)变化范围较小,从0.710到0.723,接近海相碳酸盐岩的值,并与黄土中水溶态Sr同位素的一致。总的来说,上游到下游有上升的趋势,反映碳酸盐岩风化和蒸发盐岩溶解对黄河上游水化学特征的控制作用,而黄河下游可能受少量硅酸岩溶解的影响。硫酸盐中硫同位素的组成变化范围较大从-3.65到18.85‰,且整体上随着硫酸根的浓度增大而增大,反映蒸发岩的重要贡献。 4)黄河总溶解性固体变化主要受蒸发岩溶解的控制,人为灌溉水回流的影响也是导致TDS迅速上升的主要原因,其次, 部分黄河水系受人为施肥的影响。 2, 研究区河水Mg同位素组成一方面受岩性背景的影响,另一方面还与研究区特殊气候水文条件引起的次生过程有关。 1) 黄河水系Mg同位素变化为-1.53‰到-0.11‰,其中干流上变化不明显,存在0.4‰的变化范围,上游到下游有下降的趋势,可能是蒸发岩溶解贡献增加的结果。主要支流Mg同位素组成变化差异较大,主要受两个过程的控制:① 碳酸盐岩和蒸发盐岩的溶解。② 次生碳酸盐岩的形成。 2) 黄河水中悬浮物富集轻Mg同位素,δ26Mg范围为-2.0‰到-0.6‰,与碳酸盐岩组成相似,上游到下游有上升的趋势,主要受黄土中矿物相组成控制。 3, Mg同位素水文循环的重要指示意义 黄河主要支流Mg同位素值与O同位素组成显示出较好的相关性,反映出蒸发作用与水体中次生作用存在一定的联系;水体pH和T与Mg同位素之间均呈现显著相关性,反映出次生碳酸岩形成导致水体Mg同位素信号的改变,可以用来指示水文特征的变化。
其他摘要Water is not only indispensable to the survival of humans and all living things, but also an important natural resource to industry and agriculture. As a natural porter, it plays a key role on mater cycles. Rivers are important part of water, supplying fresh water for human, which are also main channels for the exchange of substances and energy between the continent and the ocean. River erosion is an important geochemical process, which promotes rock weathering and subsequently releases large amount material, providing necessary material for the terrestrial ecosystems. Meanwhile, this process accompanied by atmospheric CO2 drawn down regulates the global climate. Hence, it is meaningful to focus on river erosion for us understanding mater cycle, lone-time carbon cycle and climate change mechanisms. In recent years, for the development of technology and improving of analytic ability, many stable isotopes have been applied in river erosion. Among these, Mg is a new tool and it makes great progress in the study of geochemical processes. Previous study have shown that variation of Mg isotopic composition is linked to many factors, such as source lithology, secondary processes associated with hydrogeological condition. Accordingly, we can get important information of chemical weathering or hydrogeological characteristic from Mg isotopic composition. Huanghe River is the second largest river in China in terms of drainage basin and river length,and the largest one in transporting material to sea in the world. The river traverses through the Chinese Loess Plateau, which is easily weatherable, the river erosion is very active in this areas. For this, the river carries a large amount of suspended load. And the Chinese Loess plateau is very sensitive to the climate change. So we can get much important information from geochemical study of Huanghe River. Based on these, Huanghe River was chose for study. we used a synoptic-sampling approach from upstream to downstrean in July, 2012. The major element,HO, Sr, sulfur and magnesium isotope of water samples were analyzed, meanwhile Magnesium isotope composition of suspend load was also measured for several samples. Results showed that: 1, The Huanghe River chemical composition is controlled by hydrogy, climate and geology in the basin, the influece from human activity also cannot be neglected. 1) The river water of Huanghe River is alkaline. In comparison with other major rivers, almost all the major element showed higher content. For the Huanghe River main channel, the chemical composition change from Ca + HCO3 in the upstream samples to Na + Cl + SO4 in the downstream areas. Cationic composition of upstream samples are mostly dominated by Ca with an order of Ca > Na > Mg > K, except for two Na-dominant samples (sites MH01, MH02) taken from headwater tributaries, accounting for 47% of all the cations. Sodium is the dominant cation in the midstream and downstream, with Na > Ca > Mg > K, accounting for 53%. Bicarbonate (HCO3) is the dominant anion for all water samples, accountingfor 70% of the TZ in the upstream samples, 54% for the midstream, 49% for the downstream. Cl and SO4 are also important anions, accounting for over 40% of the anions for most of the samples. 2) The H、O isotope compostion of river water indicated that precipitation is the main source of Huanghe River water, and the basin suffered from strong evaporation. 3) The Sr isotope ratio(87Sr/86Sr)of the Huanghe River is low, with a narrow range of 0.710-0.723, close to the value of marine carbonate. In general, there is an increasing trend from upstream to downstream. While the range of sulfur isotopes present a wide range(-3.65~18.85‰),and have a general increase with SO42- concentration,reflecting the significance of evaporates dissolution. 4) The high TDS in the river is predominant controlled by evaporite dissolution, the irrigation return water has a significant influence on river TDS in some area
GB/T 7714
范百龄. 黄河流域侵蚀过程的Mg同位素地球化学研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2014.
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